Winnipeg Hub Values Cafe


October 19


06:45 pm - 09:00 pm

Event Category:

Values Cafe

Event Tags:

Values Cafe


Conference Room

Canadian Mennonite University Campus, 500 Shaftesbury Blvd (South of Grant

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Winnipeg Hub of the Canadian Values Alliance is hosting a Values Cafe on Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 6:45 – 9:00 p.m. in the Conference Room on the Canadian Mennonite University Campus, 500 Shaftesbury Blvd (South of Grant).

We invite you to participate in a discussion to explore, in conversation, how personal and collective core values are reflected in daily living decisions and behaviours at individual/family, organizational and governmental levels in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Canada.

The Values Cafes will link to the important work being done through the Canadian Values Alliance

National Values Assessment and will contribute to World Values day data which is being collected in many countries around the world. The Values Cafes use the Barrett Values Centre model as a basis for discussion, and reflect what is important to each of us in our daily lives. Each participant will complete a personal values assessment. Upon confirmation of your attendance, a link will be provided to you to complete this assessment online. Discussion groups will be animated by a trained facilitator.

We hope to engage a diverse group of volunteer participants in these conversations. There is no charge for participation or to complete the values assessment. Refreshments will be served. We look forward to an engaging evening of sharing, learning and great conversation.

Space is limited to 50 participants. Please confirm your interest by registering by October 3, 2017. Your attendance will be confirmed and you will receive information regarding next steps including a link where you can complete your personal values assessment.