Get Involved

Get Involved

1. Take the National Online Survey

The national Canadian Values Conversations online survey launches in January, 2018, to fuel a Canada-wide conversation about what matters most to us in our lives and in our future.

* Every Canadian is invited to participate
* Participants can check their values against selected demographic groups of a Canadian research panel survey just completed

2. Join and Follow the Conversation

Follow us on social media and help us create awareness

* Encourage your friends and networks to take part in the survey
* Share our posts and conversation starters
* Use the HASHTAG #CanadianValuesConversations

CVC Facebook Page

3. Sign up for a Values Café

In order to understand what Canadian Values look like in day-to-day practice we are arranging a number of workshops across Canada. These Values Cafés are sessions that will be hosted from Halifax to Vancouver where community members can share their thoughts about their values and the values that they want to see shaping the future of their community and their country. Values Café participants will contribute not only their value priorities but also the meaning of those values in everyday life. These gatherings will be led by trained facilitators associated with the Canadian Values Alliance. They will manage the process and ensure that views and values themes will be gathered and included in the national values story.

We seek to engage those living in Canada in a process of making their values conscious and shared. We hope that the Values Café will be an open engagement and reflect a willingness to learn from each other. Ultimately, we seek to connect Canadians, highlighting our similarities and respecting our differences!

Look for upcoming Values Cafés on our Events page.